Monday, June 22, 2009

Remain in a Sheltered Life?

Parts of Antarctica, the Amazon rain forest, and The Congo are currently unexplored land masses on planet earth. In addition, covering more than 70 percent of the planet's surface, the ocean remains 95% unexplored. In space, the Milky Way has two hundred billion stars in it alone, so even on a dark night when thousands of stars are visible, people can actually see only 0.000003% of the galaxy. Within their own present state of human understanding, people often prefer to believe the vast unknown is virtually nonexistent. Relying strictly on their experience and intelligence, they live in a world of limitations quite dependent on standards of known facts. Skeptical of theories and speculations, these people tend to prefer the relative comfort of a limited environment revealed and verified through the senses over the possibility of other new and unexplained creations beyond their finite comprehension. In denial of the possibility of seemingly outlandish concepts, they risk losing all ability to accept fantasy and disorder. They fear opening the unknown door because of what may lurk behind it. A downside of exploring the fantastic unknown definitely exists. History can attest that exploration of the unknown leads to many potentially problematic discoveries. Consequently, mankind is forced to live with the reality that certain innovations discovered by means of a higher consciousness can be dangerous, even catastrophic when managed incorrectly (genetic research, the atomic bomb, biological weapons, even firearms). On the other hand, the less committed to higher consciousness a human being is, the more likely he/she will operate from the reptilian brain (murderers, rapists, terrorists) while exploiting technological or ideological advancements in disregard of others. So the paradox seems to be how to live within new worlds of discovery while safeguarding mankind from those who operate without conscience, or very little of it. Everyone must deal with the problems that arise from journeys into the unknown, and that reality has held true throughout history. Yet, the unknown is a lure to discovery, and the human instinct is to explore. Change is inevitable: new discoveries will be made today and they will progress through the horizons of tomorrow. In fact, can a pleasurable existence be possible to attain without boldly confronting the unknown? Studies of every major discipline-- science, history, the arts, to name a few--would tell us such encounters are vital to the existence and to the benefit of all species. Without exploring the vast unknowns of earth or the universe, people many consider whether they would choose to explore the untouched territory of their associations with other people and with uncommon discoveries. Here are some situations that may strike fear to those reading the blog today. What would you do in each of the examples. Be honest. Please give me feedback. 1. Live in an all-black community? All-white if you are black? 2. Attend a gay wedding? 3. Have a funeral for a close relative in your home? 4. Give a speech to a crowd of 1,000 people? 5. Give home care to a AIDS victim? 6. Spend a night in an isolated forest alone? 7. Make friends with a group of obese people? 8. Shelter a homeless family? 9. Take target practice with a handgun? 10. Handle a poisonous snake (with proper instruction)? 11. Eat a meal at a stranger's home? 12. Refuse to watch television for a year?

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