Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The World Record Inventor

Did you know that one man is credited with inventing the floppy disk, the taxicab meter, the CD, the DVD, the digital watch, the karaoke machine, the "PyonPyon" spring shoes and the Cereberex chair? In all, he has over 3,000 patented inventions -- a world record and more than double the 1,093 held by Thomas Edison, his next closest competitor. He is the only person who has licensed 16 patents to IBM.

He says his patented “Love Jet is a spray-type health enhancer (all natural with no side effects) spattered directly across the private parts works to combat impotency and increase sexual stimulation three fold.” 

He's even invented the Nostradamvs II Engine, which “can run with just water, so there is no pollution at all.” It’s this engine, unveiled in 1990, that lies at the heart of his assertion that he invented the fuel cell. Meet the incredible genious Japanese inventor, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, affectionately known as “Dr. NakaMats" in his country.

Who is Yoshiro Nakamatsu?

Yoshiro Nakamatsu, born June 26 1928, is known as the "Edison of Japan." He created his first invention at the age of five, an automatic gravity controller for a model plane that he says makes autopilot possible. "Dr. NakaMats" is a graduate of the University of Toyko. He has so far completed four doctor thesis and claims that he will never stop studying.

Archimedes, Michael Faraday, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla and Yoshiro Nakamatsu were chosen by U.S. Science Academic Society as the five greatest scientists in history. (www.informationdelight.info)

An Early Life of Genius

Nakamatsu says in Japan the drive to succeed and the competition is unbelievably intense. From early on, Japanese children are under enormous pressure to learn. He believes he was fortunate to have parents who encouraged his natural curiosity and academic learning. He thinks his parents gave him the freedom to create and invent from the earliest age. His mother, who attended Tokyo Women’s University, began teaching him physics, mathematics and chemistry when he was only 3 years old.

Nakamatsu says that memorization as a child leads an individual to his greatest potential. In school in Japan, he practiced memorization until the age of twenty as training for the brain. After that, he used free-associating, putting everything together.

Creating Great Ideas

He believes in a balance of regimentation and freedom. According to Nakamatsu, "Freedom is most important of all. Genius lies in developing complete and perfect freedom within a human being. Only then can a person come up with the best ideas." (Chic Thompson, www.creativityatwork.com, April 29 1990) He also believes people must be given ample time to develop their best ideas.

Nakamatsu claims that a genius must be a well-rounded person, familiar with many things: art, music, science, sports --  not restricted to only one field of expertise.

Nakamatsu invented the food he eats during the day marketed as Yummy Nutri Brain Food, a mixture he believes to be very helpful to the brain's thinking process. They are a special mixture of dried shrimp, seaweed, cheese, yogurt, eel, eggs, beef, and chicken livers -- all fortified with vitamins. He eats only one meal a day—at dinner—with a maximum of seven hundred calories. He also photographs every dish he eats to recall the stimulating ones. (www.whatagreatidea.com) And, he forbids himself any alcohol.

He naps for thirty minutes twice a day in his special Cerebrex chair, claiming the chair improves memory, math skills, and creativity, and it can lower blood pressure, improve eyesight, and cure other ailments. Special sound frequencies pulse from footrest to headrest in the chair, and Nakamatsu claims an hour in his chair refreshes the brain as much as eight hours of sleep. According to Dr. NakaMats’ research, the unhealthy body has a poor blood circulation to extremities resulting in cold feet.This is the same state with the stressed body in which the sympathetic nervous system takes over the parasympathetic nervous system and anticipates for "fight-or-flight" situations.

Nakamatsu believes that sleeping more than six hours in any twenty-four-hour period, decreases brainpower. His most creative time is between 12 A.M. and 4 A.M., and he never sleeps more than four hours.

Nakamatsu says when people come up with a new idea, they “trigger” a bullet which contains spirit, body, study and experience - and finally that releases the actual invention. He believes a lack of oxygen is very important to trigger an invention. A lack of oxygen may be very important but is also very dangerous. According to Nakamatsu, he gets that flash just 0.5 seconds before death. 

Nakamatsu doesn't believe in Edison's claim that ideas are 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. He says, "Now it's 1 percent perspiration and 99 percent "ikispiration." Now, more than ever, we have to have ikispiration. This means I encourage myself to go through my three elements of creation: suji, the theory of knowledge; pika, inspiration; and iki, practicality, feasibility, and marketability. In order to be successful, you must go through all three stages and make sure that your ideas stand up to all of them, which is ikispiration." (Chic Thompson, www.creativityatwork.com, April 29 1990)

Nakamatsu's Process

Thompson reports that Nakamatsu has a three step process to spark his creativity. First, he has created what he calls a "static" room. He enters this room to induce calmness. It's a place of peace and quiet in which he has only have natural things: a rock garden, natural running water, plants, a five-ton boulder from Kyoto. The walls are white. He can look out on the Tokyo skyline, but in the room there is no metal or concrete -- only natural things like water and rock and wood. He uses this room to free-associate before focusing on one thing. Nakamatsu says he just throw out ideas and lets his mind wander where it will.

Then, he goes into his "dynamic" room, which is just the opposite of the "static" room. The "dynamic" room is dark, with black-and-white-striped walls, leather furniture, and special audio and video equipment. Nakamatsu says, "I've created speakers with frequencies between 12 and 40,000 hertz-which, you can imagine, are quite powerful. I start out listening to jazz, then change to what you call 'easy listening,' and always end with Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. For me, Beethoven's Fifth is good music for conclusions."

The final step is pretty amazing: Nakamatsu enters his swimming pool to practice what he calls "creative swimming." He has a special way of holding his breath while swimming underwater. He declares that's when he comes up with his best ideas. He's even created a Plexiglas writing pad so that he can stay underwater and record these ideas.

The Future 

One of Nakamatsu’s many new ideas is a cigarette that he says makes a person smarter. According to Leeroy Betti, foreign editor for the Japan Times, among the 500 projects he has on the go is a “next generation” house, crammed with new technology – from an improved form of cement, to the “world’s smallest toilet” and a new take on stairs. The house is powered not from the regular electricity grid but from what Nakamatsu calls “cosmic” energy.

He also ran as a candidate in the Tokyo gubernatorial election in 2007, where one of his promises (only if he got elected) was to build a missile shield for Tokyo which would make incoming missiles turn around.

Yoshiro Nakamatsu is working towards a goal of 6000 inventions before he dies at age 144.



1 comment:

  1. This guy is a proven bullshitter, most prolific inventor alive is an Australian with over 9000 patents, NakaBullshitter doesn't evem have 300.
