Monday, September 23, 2013

Kiwi Kitties "Getting Pissed and Hooking Up"

Women and sexual freedom -- you see signs of change everywhere you look these days. Consider this popular product openly advertised on American television:

"Enjoy unique and intense pleasure with Twister Intimate Massager. Its unique handle features 4 twistable positions. It's perfect for internal and external stimulation and is the largest of the TROJAN line of intimate massagers, so experiment and discover a world of pleasure!"

Hollywood and Madison Avenue teem with alluring females -- attractive, sexually active young ladies are widely portrayed in films and in advertisements. Sexy and hot sell, and our society in the United States embraces sexual freedom. You may think America is home to the most promiscuous females on the planet. You would be wrong.

According to a TV New Zealand investigation into the sexual behavior of New Zealand women, young New Zealand ladies are regularly getting drunk and cruising around in packs looking for men with whom to have sex. Kiwi women last topped the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey as the world's most promiscuous. They are reported to have an average of 20.4 sexual partners, double that of their Australian and British counterparts and almost three times the global average of seven.

Kiwi gals clearly practice their humongous horny habits.

 ("No Dating, Thanks, Just Sex,", February 3 2008)

Getting Pissed and Hooking Up
Condom-maker Durex questioned 26,000 people in 26 countries and found that Austrians topped the male list with 29.3 sexual partners, more than twice the global average of 13.2. But, New Zealand was the only country where women were more promiscuous than their men, who averaged 16.8 sexual partners. Kiwi girls are giving it up like there's no tomorrow. 
("NZ Women Most Promiscuous: Survey, The Sidney Morning Herald, October 13 2007)

TVNZ Sunday correspondent Janet McIntyre says,"There's a new kind of mating ritual sex is the point of entry into the relationship." If the first-up sex wasn't any good women weren't prepared to waste their time progressing the relationship. McIntyre reports on female promiscuity in New Zealand: "There's no dating culture any more."

In candid interviews about their sexual experiences some of the women who are all in their twenties felt empowered by having sex and wanted to celebrate and enjoy it. McIntyre said all the women who had experienced one-night stands had been affected by alcohol, a term described by at least one expert in a report as "getting pissed and hooking up."

Believe it or not,  it is reported that New Zealand men are also feeling the impact from the new sexual tactics being employed by women. The Sunday Star-Times' "Being a Bloke" survey (2007) found that 29% of the 5000 men surveyed felt they had been pressured into having sex or had had sex unwillingly. Wow, the girls are taking advantage of the "poor" blokes ... I'm trying to keep a straight face.

Still -- easy, fellows, don't buy a plane ticket just yet. Some problems have paralleled the Lolita landslide. 

Too Much Sex -- Call the Doctor

Women are so sexually aggressive that a Timaru gynecologist wants to change things. He wants a campaign against promiscuity after encountering a shocking number of pregnant patients who cannot remember whom they had sex with.

Dr. Albert Makary, who has been in Timaru for 20 years, called on national leaders, sports stars, schools and the media at a Forum on the Family in Auckland yesterday to "stigmatize" both promiscuity and the binge drinking that usually preceded it.

Dr. Makary, a 52-year-old Christian originally from Egypt, said he was "an eyewitness of the pain" that promiscuity causes. He is one of only three gynaecologists in Timaru and sees scans of the town's pregnant women because there is no other radiology service. Makary says, "I get women coming in and saying, 'Doctor, I can't remember who I slept with yesterday.'"

According to Makary, many women in New Zealand are proud of being promiscuous."It is very, very frequent. I'm not talking about one or two or three or 1000 cases. I'm talking about thousands and thousands of cases a year [nationally]," the doctor reports. "Here is a culture which says if you can remember what happened yesterday you haven't had enough fun," he continues.

Makary contends Kiwi society "normalized" drunkenness and promiscuity. Even drink driving campaigns implied that it was okay to get drunk as long as you didn't drive. Sex education focused on safe sex implied that sleeping around was okay "as long as you're wearing the right gear."

Young women wore their sexual popularity as a badge of honor. One young student boasted that she slept with 20 men in orientation week."If you want a new word - 'stud-ess' - you are removing another word: 'mum,'" Dr Makary says.

Makary believes promiscuity is reeking havoc in New Zealand. He said such promiscuity undermined stable life-long relationships. The symptoms are increasing violence, sexual assault, alcohol-and drug-fuelled car accidents, a growing incidence of depression, and the world's highest rates of both chlamydia and youth suicide. He called on all parts of society to end the normalization and glamorization of promiscuity. 

(Simon Collins, "NZ Women Promiscuous," The New Zealand Herald, July 9 2011)

Who Are These Kiwi Kitties?

A brief historical perspective? The first female settlers in New Zealand were not from Europe. They were from the Maori people.  The person credited to be the first white-skinned European woman to settle in New Zealand was Charlotte Badger (She later had a daughter known as Catherine.).

Today, women in New Zealand, which may also be called Kiwi women, have descended from European, Asian and Pacific Islander stock. The women of New Zealand have the same level of equality with men, and are conferred the same level of respect as well.

Why are Kiwi women so promiscuous?

Comedian Michele A'Court thinks the findings prove New Zealand women are more honest than those in other countries. In the US, for example, some young women proudly proclaim their virginity, despite engaging in non-penetrative sex acts, she says. "Without making myself sound like a slapper, my initial reaction is that 20.4 doesn't sound like a huge amount over a lifetime."
Sexologist Dr. Michelle Mars puts the result down to the failings of Kiwi blokes. "New Zealand men aren't very good at picking up women unless they're really drunk. So what tends to happen is in New Zealand, women are just as likely to ask men to have sex as men are to ask women ... While a lot of people would read that statistic quite negatively, I think it's quite a positive. It's more of a gender balance in people getting the kind of sex they want."

Former gossip columnist Bridget Saunders, who is writing a book on bad sex, believes New Zealand women are "incredibly sexually active" and is worried by the trend. "A lot of it is to do with the new 'ladette' culture," she says. "It's almost like wanting to be one of the boys, or to be more like one of the boys than the boys are themselves."

(Alice Neville, "Kiwi Women Have More Sex," The New Zealand Herald, March 14 2010)

Ladette culture is a growing phenomenon in which young British women reject the idea of acting "like ladies" and instead become drunken, brawling hooligans. Ladette culture has become such a problem in Britain, which seems to lead the world in women binge drinking, that it has attracted the attention of law enforcement and sociologists. The police are starting to crack down on public drunkenness by women. The academics are scratching their heads, wondering what is going on and why Britain is afflicted so.

(Mark Whittington, "'Ladette Culture' Creates Plague of Disgusting, 
Drunken Women in Britain," Daily Mail, October 22 2009)

Sex Therapy New Zealand director Robyn Salisbury says women in her country are becoming prone to a "ladette" culture. "Women today are moving beyond traditional constraints and are claiming their own sexual pleasures and power," she reports. "This is great if it doesn't detract from other areas of their lives, but often these people are never satisfied and it can become destructive."

Salisbury believes the phenomenon is "down" to women trying to "keep up with the boys" through a series of affairs, or casual sex. She says many women initially sought help for alcoholism, drug addiction or depression but a sex addiction was often uncovered as the root of other problems once their treatment began.

According to Salisbury, "Many women are unaware they may have an addiction. Sex addictions are dangerous, she says, because they are a form of self-abuse, or abuse toward a partner. Women often lean toward a sex addiction when they are craving intimacy or love, while men tended to be attracted to the notion of casual sex "because they can."

(Rebecca Lewis, "Ladette Culture Root of Addiction to Sex, 
The New Zealand Herald, November 2 2008)

British journalist Deborah Tan cites some hard truths about binge-drinking and being a “ladette.” In the UK, binge-drinking “ladettes” are 40 percent more likely to seek an abortion. The number of teenage girls who attributed the loss of their virginity to being drunk has more than doubled since 60 years ago. Researchers at the University College of London have found that women who drank in excess of the weekly 14 units are almost twice as likely to see a doctor of a morning-after pill prescription. And, obviously, the number of women who woke up the next day regretting the unprotected sex and worrying about getting an STD is at epidemic level.

(Deborah Tan, "Sex, Alcohol and the Ladette Culture," Cosmopolitan Singapore, July 16 2011)

A Maori woman from New Zealand, 1913. 

 Rachael Hunter - New Zealand Kiwi

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