Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas -- Have a MERRY From President Trump

It's Christmas in Trump land. Donald is holding the government hostage as nine federal departments are shut down, with no resolution in sight. He's angered Republicans by pulling out military forces from Syria and Afghanistan – a move that’s already resulted in protest resignations from the defense secretary and a top diplomat leading the global anti-ISIS coalition. The stock market is tumbling, and Trump has asked around about firing the Federal Reserve chairman.

Meanwhile, the Russia investigation is continuing to steamroll Trump’s associates while other recent high-profile departures occur almost every day within the administration.

With all the turmoil and strife, Donald decided to stay in Washington for Christmas and tweet the holidays away. Let's see what the fearless leader, who vowed to bring back “Merry Christmas,” has to say …

“I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security.”

"It's a disgrace, what's happening in our country.”

“I hope everyone, even the Fake News Media, is having a great Christmas!”

"I can't tell you when the government is going to be open. I can tell you it's not going to be open until we have a wall, a fence, whatever they would like to call it."

"Everybody hated Comey, they thought he did a horrible job. The Democrats hated him. They were calling for his resignation. They were calling for his firing.”

"We're, right now, the policemen of the world and we're paying for it. And we can be the policemen of the world, but other countries have to help us."

"But other than that," he said, his hands gesturing outward, "I wish everybody a very merry Christmas."

In a wonderful Christmas gesture, Trump spoke to children whose calls had been patched through by NORAD to the White House. Trump asked a 7-year-old named Collman Lloyd whether the child still believes in Santa Claus."Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at 7, it's marginal, right?" Trump asked Collman.

Breaking a recent tradition of both of his predecessors, Trump this year did not visit with troops or wounded service members at Christmas time. Perhaps he was just “too busy” to go again. (Last month, he became the target of scrutiny for ditching a visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day, later explaining to Fox News that he was “too busy” to go.)

And, as always: “No collusion.”

So there you have it. The holidays are so much “merrier” with these kind words and actions from our benevolent leader. He's really done it – Trump's brought back Christmas to true believers. After all, none other than Jerry Falwell Jr. referred to Trump as "one of the greatest visionaries of our time."
He added, "In my opinion, Mr. Trump lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught in the New Testament."

And, televangelist Jim Bakker said,“Every demon in hell is after Donald Trump.” But, Trump stood up against the godless liberals and defeated the secular progressives. The great White Nationalist Knight has beaten back the assault on Christmas to the delight of the MAGA masses. If you’re Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu, your happy holiday has been banished to the back of the bus.

And, hey, little 7-year-old Collman Lloyd, don't worry too much about President Trump talking about “marginal.” You see, he is big believer in marginalization – “treatment of persons or groups as insignificant while relegating them to the fringes of society.” It's a very old belief that many dedicated white Evangelicals have practiced for centuries. They have kept up the difficult fight against issues like racial equality, gender identity, and women's rights while using the scriptures to debase and abandon some of the most vulnerable “children of God.” It's complicated, Collman. Someday soon you will understand and be asked to support his strong nativism, xenophobia, racism, and intolerance. You are white, aren't you?

To close, here is the official White House Christmas portrait … Deck the halls with lots of big red balls. Fa la la la la, la la la la (fa la la la la, la la la la). "No collusion." 

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