Saturday, November 13, 2010

Second Memory

Second Memory

Sifted particles of time clinging in our mind
Willfully refusing alteration or disposal.

Reanimated by chemical impulse
In our untarnished golden cache of life.

I remember
Lakes cooling sultry brown-skinned girls,
Living dreams with graceful limbs and tempting pirate smiles.

I remember
Stylish cars with flowing frames and hungry engines,
Machines seeking novel adventures and dark delights.

I remember
Battles of rock bands in local armories and crowed halls:
The Soul Brothers, The Rampagers, The Bare Facts, Blended Foam.

I remember
The touch, the first kiss, and the awkward moment
Spent wondering what to say or do with agonizing doubts of love.

I remember
Drive-ins with B-Movies, deep forests and fire-lit parties,
Skinny-dipping in the moonlight, and funny 2:00 A.M conversations.

I remember
The joy of wearing a leather hand and steel-cleated shoes
And waving a wooden stick at a round ball to hear a resounding pop.

Most of all, I remember when teenage Disneyland became reality:
When the friend-shift began,
When the "they" turned to "me,"
When the serious came to stay,
When the decisions had to be made,
When it became "what I made it."

Living specters that inhabit our minds
But remain forever beyond our grasp.

Time that beckons our unconditional surrender
To youthful freedoms and loves forever lost.

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