Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another Brick...

Everyone knows your ability to push against a wall and make it crumble depends upon your strength. But, it also depends on the quality of construction of the wall. If the wall is solid, thick, and firmly grounded, it can withstand the efforts of tremendous amounts of physical exertion. To continue to push against such a structure and exert needless energy, you merely waste vital energy that might be better employed searching for a possible flaw in design and exploiting the problem.

When the use of brute force is incapable of achieving results, all is not lost. The slightest crack in a critical position may make the wall vulnerable to vertical and horizontal forces that threaten its strength. With the strategic manipulation of other means, you may take advantage of this weakness. For example, a flaw, once exposed, could be subject to expansion with the use of the correct tool. You could even use a very primitive tool to loosen essential pieces of material.

This approach attacks the core of wall construction. A weak load-bearing block threatens the integrity of the entire structure. From its inception, the wall may have been subject to collapse from outside forces. The best wall cannot endure critical flaws of integrity. If you apply direct force to the wall at the right place, you do not waste valuable energy, and you will likely achieve maximum results.

Sometimes, you can discover such a compromising problem and correct it to preserve the wall. You may not have to destroy the entire structure. But, often, the fault lies so deep within that little obvious visible trace of evidence exists. Detection requires thorough inspection by trained eyes. For safety, every dimension of the wall must be subject to your investigation. Especially suspect areas need your critical, magnified attention.

You can push against massive structures to limited results or to no avail; you can employ various well-placed methods and tools to help eliminate oppressive walls; or you can find the bad components in such a stifling enclosure and replace them for effective repair. All of these activities require considerable effort. Without an apparent need to correct the cage, you will unwittingly allow the wall to stand until time and nature eventually do the required work.

Those who build walls of injustice around us corrupt our communities with their vices. Some of these walls exist for decades, even centuries before someone pushes on them or exploits their influence. Maybe, some of these walls were built with good, protective intention before becoming infected with greed and graft. But walls can both protect and conceal. Nevertheless, poor enclosures must be rectified. You must understand this.

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