“It is very important to have partnerships and utilize a team approach when dealing with security threat groups. Terrorism and threats from gangs can only be contained and controlled when law enforcement partners with various agencies to cripple their threats,” stated the Director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (DRC) Reginald A. Wilkinson on September 4, 2003.

The Columbus Dispatch reports,"The situation in Ohio reflects a larger national trend: U.S. officials say Mexican cartels operate in at least 195 U.S. cities and dominate the drug trade in every region of the country except for isolated pockets such as the Northeast and southern Florida. The report predicts that heroin abuse will increase among white, suburban users." (Jeremy Schwartz, Cox News Service, August 18 2008)
Columbus has emerged as a regional distribution center for Mexican heroin supplied to markets throughout Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania.
Distributors from other markets often travel to Columbus to purchase Mexican heroin to sell in their home areas, the report said. It may also be noted that inn Dayton, Mexican traffickers have replaced African-American gangs as the primary wholesale distributors of cocaine, marijuana and heroin.
A Few Gang Headlines:
1. The Hard Times Gang, mostly comprised of Somali immigrants, came to Athens County from Columbus within the past year to sell narcotics. The gang is responsible for burglaries, firearm theft and murder in the county said Detective Jerry Hallowell, Athens Country Sheriff's Office. (Jessie Balmert,The Post, April 4 2009)
2. The Dayton Daily News reported that law enforcement agencies have connected assaults, drug trafficking, shootings and homicides to more than a dozen local street gangs. (Steve Bennish, Dayton Daily News, March 5 2008) 3. Toledo police say gang activity is picking up. Now, officers are toughening up tactics. (Lisa Rantala, wtol.com) 4. Swat raids have been made on drug gangs in Cleveland with ties to the Chicago-based Latin Kings. The raids disrupted a major Cleveland drug ring. (Ana Jackson, July 22 2009) 5. The Columbus City Police say they have 85 active criminal gangs and 1100 documented gang members. When CPD’s summer strike force was slashed, police decided to focus their resources on known gang members and known gang activity. (www2.nbc4i.com) 6. The Akron Police Department's Gang Unit has identified 30 gangs operating in the city. Hispanic GangsAbbr | Full Name | Description | States with major activity |
18 | 18th Street Gang | Formed in the 1960s in the Rampart district of Los Angeles, thought to be one of the most violent street gangs in the country. Members are tattooed with XVIII or 666 (when added up becomes 18). Heavily populated with illegal immigrants from south of the U.S.-Mexican border, the gang also includes Asians, African and Native Americans, as well as Whites. Some chapters are very well organized They are reputed to be well linked with Mexican and Colombian drug cartels. According to Border Control.ORG, "In 1995, a report showed that 60 percent of the 20,000-strong 18th Street Gang in Southern California included illegal aliens" 9 Today the group has a wide latino population, and retains a high percentage of illegal immigrants. The actual numbers of illegals is not known, however, due to sanctuary policies in many of the cities in which they prey. | California, Georgia, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, |
Norte | La Nuestra Famila | Established in 1960s at Soledad Prison, to protect inmates from the Mexican Mafia, a prison gang of mostly southern Californians. As the original members were released from prison, they began recruiting members into their street gangs. Due to the rivalry with the Mexican Mafia, there may be a link to or this is just another name for Nuestra Familia or the Norteños | California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, |
LK | Latin Kings | The Almighty Latin Kings (and Queens) - Puerta Rican Immigrants, formed in 1940s. Today is one of the largest latino gangs and is found in most major cities of the states listed, coast to coast, north and south. Today the population is mostly Mexican, however, the spectrum includes Spanish, Caribbean, Latvian, Italian, Portuguese, or South American. 1980's, Felix Millet and Nelson Millan, two inmates in the Connecticut prison system, created the Almighty Latin King Nation of Connecticut. In 1986, Luis Felipe, calling himself King Blood, took the Connecticut King Manifesto and added a few of his own writings and prayers. He formed the Almighty Latin King Nation of New York State at the Collins Correctional Institution. He was serving a lengthy sentence for attempting to kill his live-in girlfriend. Within a few years, the Latin Kings spread through the New York State Prison system and onto the streets. New York City, by the early 1990's had several hundred members which grew into the thousands throughout New York State and nearby New Jersey by the mid 1990's. Today the group has a wide latino population, and retains a high percentage of illegal immigrants. The actual numbers of illegals is not known, however, due to sanctuary policies in many of the cities in which they prey. | Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, |
Solido | Los Solidos Nation | A merger of the Ghetto Brothers and Savage Nomads in Hartford, Connecticut, now calling each other Solido (Famly). Active in Hartford, New London, East Lyme, Norwich, New Britain and Waterbury, but have also spread to other states as members have fled from RICO investigations | Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, |
MS-13 | Mara Salvatrucha | Family of Salvador - Associated with the southern "families" of Mexican National Gangs, the 13th letter is M and the S in MS-13 also stands for Sur or Sureno ("South"), with original links to El Salvadorian nationals who eventually crossed illegally into the U.S. across the U.S. Mexican Border. Today the group has a wide latino population, and retains a high percentage of illegal immigrants. The actual numbers of illegals is not known, however, due to sanctuary policies in many of the cities in which they prey. | Alaska, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Maryland, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, |
Netas | Netas | Puerta Rican group established in a Puerta Rican prison by Carlos Torres-Irriarte. An early rival of the Netas was Grupo 27 (Group 27) which eventually was blamed for Torres' murder in prison. By 1993, many chapters had merged into the Latin Kings (See Above) | Connecticut, New Jersey, New York |
NF | Norteños | Northerners - Organized in Folsom Prison in 1968, later became a loose organization of north and south memberships -- i.e if you lied north of Bakersfield you were a northerner and when you went to prison you would join the northern prison gang, if you lived south of Bakersfield you were a Sureno, a southerner and that would be the prison gang you joined when you went to prison. Notice the inevitability of going to prison, these are not garden clubs. The Nortenos associate themselves with the number 14 (the letter N is the 14th letter), 4 dots in a tattoo, and will invariably call themselves a family ("Nuestra Familia" or La Nuestra Familia). Today the group has a wide latino population, and retains a high percentage of illegal immigrants. The actual numbers of illegals is not known, however, due to sanctuary policies in many of the cities in which they prey. | Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Nevada, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, |
MM | Sureños | Southerners - Also known as the Mexican Mafia. Formed by Rodolpho Cadena and Joe Morgan in the correctional facility at Tracy, California. They prison gang became the most powerful in the prison system and as members were released from prison they began to recruit in their home locals. When prisoners who were members of the Mexican Mafia were released they formed the Surenos gangs on the outside. Chief Rivals are the La Nuestra Familia (Northern Familes). Today the street gangs "graduate" to prison and become members of the Mexican Mafia. The Surenos control much of the illegal prison activities in the prison systems of nearly every state in the union. The members may be found wearing a MM tattoo or SUR for Surenos. They also may refer to other chapters as being part of Le Eme (The M). In the last few decades, conflicts with Black prison gangs has led to a loose alliance (for mutual protection) with such unusual partner as the Aryan Brotherhood a white supremacist prison gang and domestic terror group. | Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington |
TS | Texas Syndicate | Originated in the early 1970s at Folsom Prison in California, mainly to protect members against non-native Texan prisoners who were preying upon them. Includes members from all over Latin America with largest populations in prison being Mexican, Colombian, and Cuban. | California, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Washington |
Note: Sources for information in this table are found in the sources section below, numbers 4, 5, 6 |
Spending over 20 years in the South, mostly in Louisiana and now San Antonio, TX, I can tell you, once these gangs get a foothold in the community it is virtually impossible to eradicate them.
The Mexican drug cartels are now responsible for importing over 80% of the cocaine, marijuana and meth that is on our streets today, as well as other drugs. These people don't play. You cannot overstate or downplay illegals being in the area, where they once weren't. Not all but many of business's opening are often fronts for major drug operations and distro points.
If there are a handful of illegals being busted in an area, you can best bet there are countless others not seen or known. One would really have to ask, what does southern Ohio, a very depressed area and not necessarily agriculturally rich (to where you need an abundance of folks to pick crops), have to offer an illegal alien?
The research for this post left me with some uneasy feelings about good, old Southern Ohio rural life. Gangs -- I just detest the corruption, not only drugs but the influence on youth and quality of life. I hope, without sounding negative or bigoted about immigrants, that gang activity stays under control here. Once we lose freedoms, they are most often gone forever. I can't stand thugs.
Frank, I don't think this is about immigrants. I think this is totally about illegal criminal aliens invading us from the South for one purpose, the almighty dollar coming from the drug trade.
Ever since the Colombians lost most of their drug routes through Florida, because of aggressive policing, Mexico has been the main thoroughfare for trafficing. It is not a coincidence that the most violent gangs,now, come from Central America or have strong Central American ties. Nor should it be a major surprise that the Mexican Mafia and major Mexican Drug cartels are invading our country for control of the supply routes and major distro points. It isn't racists talking about the truth backed by facts. "Illegal" aliens are law breakers to begin with. They broke the law by not following protocol to come into our lands. If the majority of illegals don't mean harm, tough! I don't care! They are here illegaly and thus need deported.
SouthSide WarLords...Crip Nation...Light Blue, Black...RaW-IZ-WaR... Outta Toledo,OH... P.S. Fucc Mara 13K
If you want to really put a hurtin' on drug lords, war lords and gangs. Legalize drugs, setup an awesome system for recovery. War on drugs is over and since it becomes legal, the first few years people may go crazy, but once the initial shock is over, more and more people are disinterested, besides as long as you have a great system in place for people to recover the problem won't be out of control and since a black market no longer exists you wipe out some of the most dangerous people behind closed doors. The combination of education and recovery, drug rates would essentially be the same as they are now. By doing so you also wipe out the silent players in the government and weed out those corrupted officials, violence in our country as well as international countries would go down significantly. The drug industry is the 2 most powerful black market industry in the world, think of the impact if we made drugs legal, controlled and taxed them as well as setup a very informative education system that emphasized responsibility and recovery if you get hooked.
P.S. don't think it's feasible, we essentially have a legal drug market that is more powerful and dangerous than illegal drugs. Look at BigPharma and their "pain" management clinics and modern doctors as pain pushers. Drugs like Oxycotin, Ritalyn, Roxies, etc are FAR more dangerous than street drugs. You see these "legal" drugs kill far more people than Heroin, Cocaine, LSD, Marijuana, or anything else they've classified as illegal.
gangs keep the prison system flooded. Now with the privatization of prison, companys like CCA trade stock based on the number of inmates in the facility. pretty sick huh? there are no corrections even attemping to be made at such places. I do agree wittthe idea of decriminalization of drugs but legalization. This is not Europe. Americans are dumb and couldnt handle the idea of drugs be legal. Our culture is completely different that say that of Portugual or Spain where such programs and policies work very well. ... Plus its up to the dicks in white house to make a decision, oliver north, Bush (still has lots of power). remeber the Iran contra affair, They have been planning the ways of today since the 70's. hebrew supremacism!!
hi everybody. In Ohio City are the wosrt gangs in Ohio incleuding the Hashdashin Gnags on West 25th street and the Folk nation Gangs attacking civilians in Lakewwod Ohio and Kill a police officers. There was a big fire there. Omar sha rif drugs Pat mcNeil so he cannot remember> A huge fire at the Gas station. Stravoli Family attack Roman Cathlic in lakewood , Cleveland and at Hoetl places.
"Gangs move in Ohio in the 1990s". Whoever wrote this article does not know ANYTHING about gangs in Ohio. Toledo had gang activity since the 1950s. There were some Bloods and Crips fractions in Toledo WWWWAAAAYYYY before colors came out in the 1990s. There was a notorious gang called the Avondale Posses (or Black Gangsters) and the T Luvs, and the C gang and B gang in the Southern Central City area.
The point is that Toledo, as well as other cities in Ohio had gangs before the 1990s. Many of these writers fail to realize is that Ohio had gangs before any law enforcement had any intel on these gangs. Some places, (especially Toledo), during the 1980s, claimed that the Chamber Brothers took over Toledo, which is a big laugh (yes, some Detroit gangs DID came through but was quickly chased out of toledo, same as they was CHASED OUT of Lima and Fort Wayne as well).
Just my three minutes of rant.......
The biggest gang in our world is the New World Order gang (Council on Foreign Relations, ManSanto, Bilderberg group, etc)......
Let me rephrased that. Toledo actually had gang activity since the 1920s, when they got their name "Holy Toledo" from the infamous Vistula neighborhood during that era.
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