Of course, most parents and teens do
not see eye to eye on the topic of teen rights to privacy. If you
don't believe that, just cast your memory back a few years (decades
for some of us) and reconsider personal privacy issues with your own
parents. This authoritarian phrase will surely ring a distant bell
for many of you: “As long as you're in my house....”
Today "ostrich" parents
succumb to the strategy of “sticking their heads in the sand.”
These parents believe their teens have earned the right to privacy,
and they honor their children's privacy unless they detect a problem
warranting actions such as checking their rooms or monitoring their
personal information online.
Ostrich parents believe they are
“spying” on their teenagers if they take proactive measures to
keep their children safe from others and safe from themselves. And,
granted, “spying” conjures negative connotations of parental
distrust and direct control. Yet, privacy is a privilege, not a right
afforded every young person. Understand that teens are incapable of
successfully handling complete independence despite their mature
attitudes, experience, and adult looks. Boundaries are necessary.
Investigating teens may lead to
further conflicts; however, it may save needless suffering. Would you
rather your teens lose a little trust in you because you check on
them or would you prefer they are not monitored and run the risk of
losing their lives?
In simple terms, a teen does not have
the right to keep secrets from you if it's something that endangers
him or her and your family. The fact is it is your home. In
addition, the cell phone is probably in your name, and the computer
is probably in your name. But, even if not, you, as a parent, have
every right to check them if you feel doing so prevents risky
Loving, worried parents with
reasonable suspicions must sometimes snoop because they prefer to be
proactive. They have the right to respond to an angry teen who feels
compromised and say, “Don't try to intimidate me. I'm not going to
let you hurt yourself or your family. And, I will take all the steps
necessary to see that it doesn't happen.”
Respecting certain rights to privacy
is fundamental to being a good parent, but being an ostrich parent
shows serious lack of regard for children. How many times do we hear
of the value of “tough love,” especially in the formative
adolescent years? And yes, it is always the deep
responsibility of the person who administers "tough love"
to assure that this is not a matter of vengefulness or spite. Tough
love thus becomes the most fulfilling and honest example of a human
value rather than the inhumanity of taking or winning at all costs.
Judge Judy's snarly words ring in my
ears as I consider my own teenage “bending” and “shaping” of
the facts when confronted by my parents. The judge uses this
subjugating philosophy: “You know teenagers are lying when they
open their mouths.” Think about the truth behind this over
generalization when the chips are being placed down by young Johnny
or Susie.
* Parents should have “courageous conversations” with their children about the dangers and illegality of alcohol and drug use. And, if they think something is wrong, they should go with their instincts. I have heard counselors say parents' instincts are seldom wrong.
* Parents should network with other parents so everyone knows what their kids are doing and with whom they hang out. This is not to say parents should be automatically judgmental of their teens' friends. It does mean that parents must make committed, active efforts to befriend their children's choice of companions to better understand “who is really who.”
* Parents should know who’s driving their children and make sure their children know they be awake when the teens get home. Teens tell police that they’re less apt to use drugs or alcohol if they know they have to face their parents when they get home.
* Parents should not be afraid to be the authority figure at home. Police officers say they've talked with parents who won’t go into their children’s rooms because their kids claim they “have rights” and can call the cops. Nonsense! The police say,“You should be checking your kids’ rooms, absolutely. If you don’t check them, shame on you.”
* Parents should develop a face-saving plan, maybe even devising a code word, that their teens can use if they need to be rescued from a bad situation. Parents and teens can role-play about how their children can “say no” to an offer of drugs or to a drink when they don’t know where it came from.
* Parents should set appropriate
boundaries and limits ahead of time and consistently enforce them.
Rather than set rules on the spot, parents should agree upon rules
with their teenagers ahead of time and let them know clearly what
their expectations are. The less rules the better. When these rules
are broken, parents should be firm. For instance, if Johnny comes
home 30 minutes after his curfew, parents can lovingly remind him of
the rule and the punishment previously agreed on. Then, they can take
the keys for a week. Limits provide boundaries and guidelines for
teenagers when they are clear and consistent. Hopefully, teenagers
will learn to regulate themselves with consistent parental help.
*Parents should provide latitude by offering choices, not by offering free rein. Teens are seeking independence and autonomy, and parents can foster this growth by providing choices for them. When parents realize that something needs to change because Susie is spending too much time with her friends and not enough time on her homework, they can tell her their concerns, listen to what she has to say, and find a balance allowing her to make the decision while sticking to the rules that have already been put in place. Kind of like “a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down”? Teenagers do best when they are given the chance to make decisions with the loving help of their parents.
Many thanks to:
(Julie Rasicot, “Don't Be an Ostrich
About Teen Drug and Alcohol Use,” Bethesda Magazine, May 18 2012)
The fact is that the generation of parents greatly differs from that of modern teenagers. Modern kids are provided with wider range of outer hazards, i.e. internet, cell phones, e-mails. To foresee a tragedy that can happen to your child, a parent must know what his kid is involved in.
I think it is quite difficult to secure a child's safety on the Internet and not violate his personal boundaries, so it's great that there are applications which allow parents to keep an eye on their kids without letting them know about it.
We can use such software also for Viber, WhatsApp or Snapchat. Lists of best spy apps for parental control you can check here
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