Monday, December 17, 2018

President Trump -- The True Meaning of "Merry Christmas"

Do you remember when we had to hang our heads in shame and whisper “Merry Christmas”? Yes, under the rule of President Barack Hussein Obama, the traditional Christian greeting was banned. Our entire nation had to capitulate to the Muslim ruler and his radical snowflakes and use the more inclusive “Happy Holidays” greeting. Failing to follow the liberal directive meant religious discrimination and harassment.

Then, to the rescue came President Donald Trump, a champion of the War on Christmas. Time and time again, Trump rallied to save the Christian tradition. And, with his honest conviction, he brought back “Merry Christmas” to right-thinking individuals. No longer are the American people POW's to political correctness.

Just remember Trump's stirring words on Christmas Eve in 2017 …

People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!”

You can believe that baloney or you can take a closer look at Trump's "honest Christmas leadership” ...

Trump’s entry into the front lines of the Christmas wars can be traced as far back as December 28, 2011, when he claimed that then-president Obama released a “Happy Kwanzaa” statement but ignored Christmas. Trump's tweet ...

What a convenient mistake: @BarackObama issued a statement for Kwanza but failed to issue one for Christmas.”

Before issuing this tweet, Trump had already started promoting the “birther” conspiracy theory about Obama's birthplace. A open supporter of white nationalism, Trump saw this opportunity to promote greater racial division under the guise of Christianity, and he thus began falsely promoting the “Merry Christmas” lie.

Of course, Trump was quick to claim Obama preferred the more inclusive seasonal phrase "Happy Holidays," claiming it was disrespectful to the Christian population. Some of those who shared President Trump's views pointed to the Obama White House's official holiday cards that read "Happy Holidays." From there, Trump exploited this cultural issue, often playing to crowds at his rallies by citing Obama's War on Christmas.

As a candidate, Trump said ...

"If I become president, we're going to be saying Merry Christmas at every store. You can leave (happy holidays) at the corner. ...Other religions can do what they want.”

It is easy to see how Trump used this so-called “war” against the holiday to pander to the evangelical vote and bolster his support among Christian conservatives. A true believer would obediently say, “Oh my God, Muslims and other heathens under Hussein Obama are celebrating non-Christian holidays and celebrations that take place around the same time. They're taking our Christ out of our Christmas.”

In reality, saying "Merry Christmas" isn't an issue anywhere – except when a bigoted politician wants to stir up votes and campaign donations by demonizing liberals to a bunch of angry red-meat, red-state right wingers.

And all the flap about President Obama killing “Merry Christmas? Chris Donovan, Executive Editorial Producer of ABC News, related the truth. The Obama administration said "Merry Christmas" to the American people annually for eight years.

12/24/16:"Merry Christmas, everybody"
12/25/15:"Merry Christmas"
12/15/14:"Merry Christmas"
12/25/13:"Merry Christmas, everyone"
12/22/12:"Michelle & I want to wish u a Merry Christmas"
12/1/11:"Merry Christmas"
12/9/10:"Merry Christmas"
12/24/09:"Merry Christmas"

There has never been a War on Christmas. It is a fallacious argument meant to promote political division. Quite the contrary; retail stores invented the phrase in an obvious attempt to include non-Christians in the holiday gift-buying spirit. President Trump, in his position, should be bound by the truth instead of by his own prejudice. All presidents, including the lone black one, have always wished America a "Merry Christmas." 

President Obama had nothing to do with "using" the holiday. That distinction goes to Trump and his loyal band of followers bent on creating a toxic Christianity, a religion full of vitriol and hate. Trump created the war for personal and political gain. I give you these words of combat straight from the pulpit of the esteemed Reverend Jerry Falwell on September 28, 2018 ...

"Conservatives & Christians need to stop electing 'nice guys." They might make great Christian leaders but the US needs street fighters like @realDonaldTrump at every level of government b/c the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps & many Repub leaders are a bunch of wimps!"

However, many young Evangelicals, especially women, across the country, like Tess Clarke in Texas, are questioning the less typical ties between evangelicalism and Republican politics. The women, who are all in their 30s, described Beto O’Rourke as providing a stark moral contrast to Trump, whose policies and behavior they see as fundamentally anti-Christian, especially separating immigrant children from their parents at the border, banning many Muslim refugees and disrespecting women.

How do the people view Merry and Happy holidays? A Pew Research Center survey (2017) found that most US adults believe the religious aspects of the holiday are emphasized less now than they used to be. But overall, just 31% of adults said "they are bothered at least 'some' by the declining emphasis on religion in the way the U.S. commemorates Christmas."

A vast majority of Americans — including 56% of Republicans — say the "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" debate is "made up" and not a "real issue," according to a 2017 Quinnipiac University poll.

But, not everyone is giving up the conflict. Former Rep. Joe Walsh, who is now a conservative pundit, tweeted in December 2018:

"The Trump family's first Christmas card contains a word that was noticeably absent from all eight of Obama's Christmas cards: CHRISTMAS!"

Countless others still follow the groundless animosity. It takes a special kind of evil genius to take the happiest time of the year and turn it into an excuse to hate other people. Trump gladly leads the charge, and in doing so, he belittles the celebrations of others such as Jewish and African Americans. In essence, he believes HE is FORCING people to say “Merry Christmas.” And, knowing his narcissistic behavior, this makes him very happy, merry, ecstatic indeed – Donald Trump, the self-proclaimed Savior of Christmas.

Just read this holiday tweet by Trump on December 26, 2026 to get his full message ...

"The world was gloomy before I won - there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!"
  • Note – By the way, considering Trump's financial interests, is it any surprise that his daughter Ivanka sent out this Christmas message to many of his businesses in December 2017 despite the President's disdain for less traditional festive greetings …
“Happy Holidays!” ?

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