Mike Blumfield at AlienCon sharing ideas on aliens' influence on
Western beauty culture (New York Times)
You're driving north or
Rt. 23 just south of Piketon, Ohio, and you spy a large wooden
carving of a bear and a large metal figure of a rooster. Beside the
figures an unpaved road leads to a rural residence and some kind of
offbeat, rural business known as Brumfield Station. Just past the
figures there are primitive, hand-painted signs with mysterious
messages about aliens and UFOs. You scratch your head and wonder
“what the heck?”
If you are like me,
although filled with curiosity, you have never taken the time to
explore the station. At 60 miles an hour, what you can see off the
road looks pretty rustic, homespun, and more than a little spooky –
the kind of place that your imagination tells you would be the
perfect setting for a Chainsaw Massacre film. So, you file the
anomaly in your memory as one of those seldom seen, weird tourist
attractions, and you drive on (with the theme from the Twilight
Zone lingering in the background). You say to yourself, "Maybe some day I'll stop and see just what's going on." Of course, that never happens.
Brumfield Station is the
haunt of Mike Brumfield, author and celebrated UFO hunter. Mike was
born in Portsmouth, Ohio, on September 29, 1961. He graduated from
Shawnee State/Ohio State University with an Associate of Applied
Sciences and History. After college, Mike took work as social worker
and a general manager of an assisted living center. All that sounds
ordinary, but Brumfield can be described as anything but customary.
You see, Mike changed his
focus to art and moved to Nashville in 1989. Whether the art led to
discovery or discovery led to art, Brumfield began to pursue
persistently his lifelong interest in UFOs and scientific
explanation. Since that time, Mike has written as many as eight books
(to date) with titles like The Discovery, Infinite Astronauts,
Aliens Gold Tenth Planet, and Reality: Escape From Planet Earth!"
Brumfield claims he is on
a relentless search for the truth about UFOs. He teamed up with Jeff
Willes of Phoenix – known as the most celebrated UFO hunter in the
world – to began filming flying saucers. Since 2006, Mike and Jeff
have been finding and filming flying saucers and UFOs, and their
teachings have helped others to film documented proof of these
Their footage has been
purchased by Walt Disney World and used as the trailer on Return
to Witch Mountain. Mike and Jeff have also made two films of
their footage to be entered into the International UFO Congress. The
pair continues to film to this day with avid interest in the unknown.

The show also features the
sale of books, videos and other items to fund production. All
proceeds raised from the are being contributed to efforts to fund
global meteor prevention and evacuation plans to help protect those
on earth who may be impacted by a large-scale meteor strike.
That's exactly what
Brumfield's work Reality: Escape From Planet Earth is all
about. In the book, he tackles the ever present threat of a rogue
meteor hitting Earth and snuffing out the human race. Brumfield
posits that very real possibility of an extinction level event should
bring humanity together to seek refuge among the stars from whence
humanity sprang.
Taking examples from his
own personal experiences, ancient manuscripts, and other clues
embedded within our collective history, Brumfield believes that the
key to the continued existence of a species is directly linked to our
extraterrestrial origins.
In his powerful personal
narrative, Brumfield asks, and answers, mind-bending questions like
the following: Where is heaven? Are the deities of ancient lore truly
alien beings that genetically engineered the human race? Can we use
the clues left behind by our progenitors to escape both the bonds of
this planet and the inevitability of death itself? Pretty heavy and
heady stuff.
Just to stir some local
interest, I recently visited the “Brumfield Station Wood Carvings”
Facebook site. There, I found a post about some local sightings:
“Talked to the
director of SETI today (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) …
just saw some more saucers over the A Plant which I live beside ...
he is the head guy over the search for extraterrestrials. I asked him
if he thought they existed. He said “yes” and I asked him where
they are and he said “he thinks they haven't reached us yet.” I
asked him if the universe is infinite then why wouldn't they be
everywhere because of the infinite nature of it. It's always existed.
He didn't like my question because it made his answer primitive in
his thinking and narrow-minded.”
Brumfield and his wife
Tammy have two sons, Matthew and Josh. He invites everyone to visit
Facebook and check out his new movie video “UFO Finder.” He
remains an amazing chain saw artist and a dedicated researcher. Click
here for Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrumfieldStation/
Brumfield Alien Finder.” ufofinderslive.net.)
just past here today. looked neat.
Well hmmmm didn’t look too neat to me.
Wow you must be so smart and interesting
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