Thursday, July 25, 2019

Encouraging Bigoted Action at Turning Point USA

During a Turning Point USA “Teen Student Action Summit” in Washington on August 23, 2019, Donald Trump rallied his young admirers with racist comments and lies. Turning Point USA is shunned, or at least ignored by more established conservative groups in Washington, but embraced by many Trump supporters.

Since 2016, Turning Point USA (TPUSA) has maintained a Professor Watchlist, which lists college professors whom it alleges discriminate against conservative students and advance left-wing propaganda in the classroom. The organization has also secretly attempted to influence student government elections in an effort to "combat liberalism on college and university campuses.” TPUSA's founder, Charlie Kirk, is good friends with the president's son, Donald Trump, Jr.

Turning Point leaders have also praised ICE and GEO groups on social media. Former Turning Point communications director Candace Owens claimed that she toured an ICE transitional facility and raved about the conditions on Twitter afterward. Owners said …

This place is nicer than where I went to the public school system.”

Owens is the same leader who After the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, said that concern over rising white nationalism was "stupid.” On Facebook, Owens wrote "I proudly self-identify as an Uncle Tom." The gunman who committed the Christ Church mosque shootings (New Zealand, 2019) produced a "manifesto" where he wrote that Owens had "influenced (him) above all.”

Though TPUSA is a group for collegiate Republicans, with more than 1,000 chapters across the country and a pattern of racism and white supremacy in its top ranks, organizers of the teen summit said the audience included droves of high school students who were invited as part of a recruiting effort.

Even before Trump spoke, other speakers parroted his racism. Eric Bolling – a former Fox News host who was fired after a sexual harassment investigation – said the president was right to tell them (the minority members of the House of Representatives) to “go back,” especially Ilhan Omar of Minnesota , whom he called “anti-Semitic.”

During his 80-minute speech, Trump told the crowd that “the forces of political correctness want to silence conservative students, make you feel alone, marginalized and isolated.” He also asked the teenagers to imagine the "100 percent" poll numbers he'd have without the "dishonest" news media. And, in his vile, bigoted manner, Trump slammed Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. Trump's words ...

From Michigan, right? It’s a great state. We won Michigan. There is no way she stands for the values of the people of Michigan.

But I watched her this morning; she's vicious. She’s like a crazed lunatic. She’s screaming. This is before she got into Congress. Who elected her? She’s screaming like a total lunatic at one of our rallies. It’s like I’m giving a little rally, and she starts screaming. And this was — this is not a sane person, folks, when you look at that.

(Laughter.) “And this is what we’re up against. You have some of that. Now, the Democrats, I guess, are forced to embrace her. And I called it 'AOC Plus 3.' Okay? AOC – 'AOC Plus 3.' (Applause.) Not that AOC is a bargain, because she’s not. I mean, she’s no bargain. Look, I mean, I — we’ll go into it at some point. I’ll tell you all about AOC. I got more on AOC. (Applause.) AOC. AOC.”

Trump demonized Democrats as captives who hate America …

These people have lost all control. And even the Democrats — they’re Left, but now they’re getting dragged into a radical Left position. I can’t imagine who’s doing that. But they’re being dragged — they’re being dragged radical Left with these people that I believe — honestly, I believe they hate our country. Okay? I believe they hate our country. (Applause.)

Anyone can become a target of the Left’s brutal campaign to punish dissent. Hey, I’m the number-one target in the world. And here we are. But I’m the number-one target. Who’s more of a target than me? No matter what you do, I’m the great target for these people. These people are crazy.”

This is the judgmental hatred encouraged by the leader of the free world. It reminds one of the indoctrination of the Hitler youth in Nazi Germany. Here is yet another overly pompous, narcissistic racist leading his opponents to slaughter. I fear impressionable young people are being encouraged to become bigoted, narrow-minded followers of a demagogue with no regard for the truth.

Trump's views seldom have substance or reason. Instead, he relies on emotional appeal to sway his audience and to encourage them to believe in his twisted judgment and disregard for the opposition. Encouraging teens to follow blindly, he holds himself up as their political savior.

Raffi Cavoukian, known as "the most popular children's singer in the English-speaking world," has called Trump unfit for office, racist, and misogynistic. Raffi said we must “fight fascism with everything we’ve got.” Collier Meyerson of the Intelligencer (2019) explained …

Seemingly trite, the addition of Raffi’s voice to the American political landscape is actually invaluable. The singer-songwriter is the premier emissary for children and his positions carry with them an incredible weight.”

"Your time is now," the president told his crowd at the TPUSA Teen Student Action Summit.

Trump's speech at the summit encouraged young people to denigrate others and to exclude elected representatives of our nation. His remarks make “your time is now” a chilling statement condoning bigotry. It flies in the face of “liberty and justice for ALL.” And, most disturbingly, it knowingly legitimizes the continued use of racism.

During a 4-day conference purportedly for educating conservative high school students, Trump unleashed his hatred for minorities, for women, and for the opposing political party. Turning Point USA describes itself as a youth organization dedicated to educating and training and students "to promote the principles of freedom, free markets, and limited government." It is evident that the organization needs to find a key note speaker who lives up to its ideals.

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