Monday, August 15, 2022

To Scioto Commissioners:

After much thought and soul searching, I realize I must make myself clear about writing in this blog and online concerning the Scioto County commissioners. These officials do a fine job in their office with the tough work facing them. I commend them for their service and their love for the county. Scottie Powell, Bryan Davis, Cathy Coleman, and (Former Commissioner Mike Crabtree) deserve praise. Thank you for your hard work.

I have disagreed with the commissioners at times in their stance on various issues along with some other views such as declaring Scioto County a Second Amendment Sanctuary; however, I never meant for my writing to be a personal attack on any of them. I hope they – and the public – do not take it that way. I do not mean my understandings to take away from their accomplishments. They are good people, and I realize I may have a different view or two on politics. That's all.

Still, I am concerned that they and others may see my writing as harmful rhetoric. I am sorry if this is the case, and I want to take this time to apologize for any such detriment that may be conceived. I sincerely apologize for such a view, and I want to say I hope the commissioners accept my concerns as a person who also loves Scioto County. I support all their work to better our area.

Commissioners, please excuse me if you have taken offense in anything I have said.

I especially want to reach out to Bryan Davis for understanding that any disagreement I have is not personal or hateful. I know that Bryan and I have different opinions at times and we can express our passion in pretty forceful terms. Thinking about my past posts, I am sorry if Bryan is upset with me, and I hope we are still friends. I want the best for all folks here. 

If I have said things to upset you, Bryan, I hope you forgive me. You are a dedicated person I respect very much.

Thanks for reading this blog entry. I pray we residents of Scioto can continue down the path of area recovery and improvement. Politics aside, we are people in transition with high hopes for the future.

Commissioners, thank you. I know we can work out any differences with greater understanding.


Frank R. Thompson

1 comment:

Susan Montgomery RN-BC said...

Said like a true and sincere Person. I do believe the gun sanctuary issue should be on the ballot and not a super majority decision. Thanks Mr. Thompson for all you do.