Monday, May 17, 2021

2021 -- The U.S. Government Acknowledges UFOs


Imagine a technology that can do 6-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we're seeing …

It was a holy-s–t moment: ‘Oh, my gosh, it’s real. Well, crap, now we have to do something about it.’ ”

Lue Elizondo, former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program

CBS's “60 Minutes,” in what it calls “it's strangest story ever,” reported May 17, 2021, the Pentagon now admits there's something out there, and the U.S. Senate wants to know what it is. After decades of public denial, the U.S. government is seeking answers. The intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings by the end of June. The U.S. government is grudgingly acknowledging unidentified aerial phenomena— UAP—more commonly known as UFOs.

Lue Elizondo spent 20 years running military intelligence operations worldwide: in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Guantanamo. He hadn't given UFOs a second thought until 2008. That's when he was asked to join something at the Pentagon called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or "AATIP."

Buried away in the Pentagon, AATIP was part of a $22 million program sponsored by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to investigate UFOs. When Elizondo took over in 2010 he focused on the national security implications of unidentified aerial phenomena documented by U.S. service members.

(Bill Whitaker. “UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace, report on the phenomena due next month.” 60 Minutes. CBS News. May 16, 2021.)

As part of his job, Elizondo said, he had access to the Pentagon’s UFO data and interviewed military eyewitnesses who encountered UAP on an almost “daily basis.” Meanwhile, Navy pilots have testified about engaging 50-foot Tic Tac-shaped vessels only to see them disappear in the blink of an eye.

Other pilots said their fighter jets had a “near collision” with a strange “sphere encasing a cube.” Elizondo scrutinized all this evidence, including radar and electro-optical data, that showed unknown aircraft zipping 60 miles in five seconds and descending at speeds of 14 miles per second.

Elizondo told the New York Post

Despite those mind-blowing discoveries, Elizondo was always swimming upstream. He tried to share frightening evidence with closed-minded non-believers who shunned his research, which he has compared to an 'intelligence failure on the level of 9/11.'

Looking back on his years in the Pentagon, Elizondo remembers that his biggest concern involving UFOs was not based on a fear of extraterrestrials. It centered on America’s Earth-bound enemies: 'We [were] behind the power curve' – as a result of military bosses turning blind eyes to unexplained phenomena. 'We knew that foreign adversaries in other countries are interested in this topic. So there comes a real problem from a national security perspective.'”

(Michael Kaplan and Steven Greenstreet. “UFOs are real, feds’ cover-up fueled by fear: ex-Pentagon whistleblower.” New York Post. April 30, 2021.)

This isn’t a silly conversation. This is a conversation about someone, somewhere displaying beyond-next-generation technology in our controlled airspace, and there’s not a whole lot we can do about it. And what I would do is submit to you that if we just take the word UFO out of it, just say Russia or China has the ability to fly in our airspace unimpeded. And without detection, within minutes of taking off. That’s a real problem.”

    Lue Elizondo

Mystery Wire (dedicated to reports on UFO's) published three photos which have since been reported by major news organizations all over the world. The Pentagon has confirmed that the photos, taken by Naval aviators off the coast of Virginia two years ago, are considered to be unknowns.

Months later, ships on the west coast were repeatedly buzzed by other unknown intruders including what appear to be flying pyramids above the USS Russell, and multiple untrackable objects around the USS Omaha including a dark sphere that shadowed the ship for an hour, then vanished into the ocean.\

When we talk about sightings, we are talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots, or have been picked up by satellite imagery, that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for, or are travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.”

John Ratcliffe, former director of National Intelligence

The U.S. Navy, with the most sophisticated sensors in the world, does not know what the aerial intruders are or who sent them. Elizondo acknowledges that, at some point, some of the objects might be confirmed as foreign drones or other types of identifiable technology, but, he adds, he has seen far too much evidence of objects that exhibit technology far more advanced than anything in the US arsenal. “I don’t know the answer. frankly, I don’t think anybody does,” Elizondo said. “And anybody who tells you they do, I would approach them very cautiously. The bottom line is we don’t know. And we need to ask all the questions.”

(George Knapp, Matt Adams, Duncan Phenix. “What about those flying pyramids?” Mystery Wire. News Nation. April 23, 2021.)

So, What's Up?

Has the government been working to cover up the existence of UFOs? Elizondo says he was told to stop investigating UFOs by one senior official who asked if he had read a Bible recently. Are UFO's invaders from space? The well-known astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, for one, said he would only take the idea seriously when aliens send him a dinner invite.

Yet, the government is acknowledging the existence of “Unidentifed Flying Objects” no matter their origin – this world or another. “Unidentified” = aerial phenomenon that cannot immediately be identified or explained.\

Gideon Lewis-Kraus of the The New Yorker says, “The government may or may not care about the resolution of the U.F.O. enigma. But, in throwing up its hands and granting that there are things it simply cannot figure out, it has relaxed its grip on the taboo.”

Lewis-Kraus writes ..

Virtually all astrobiologists suspect that we are not alone. Seth Shostak, the senior astronomer at the SETI Institute, has wagered that we will find incontrovertible proof of intelligent life by 2036. Astronomers have determined that there may be hundreds of millions of potentially habitable exoplanets in just our galaxy.”

(Gideon Lewis-Kraus. “How the Pentagon Started Taking U.F.O.s Seriously. The New Yorker. May 10, 2021.)

No matter the results of Elizondo's findings, the debate over the existence of extraterrestrial spacecraft will continue. Gallup Polls rank UFOs near the top of lists for subjects of widespread recognition.

And, The New York Times reports (April 09, 2021) that with skies lacking light pollution and most nights free, New Yorkers reported nearly twice as many mysterious UFO sightings in 2020 over the previous year.

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