Sunday, January 5, 2020

Description of a Trumper -- One of the Chaotic Crew

Allow me to preface this entry with the wise words of Larry the Cable Guy …

Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Lord, I apologize and please be with the starving pygmies down in New Guinea. Amen."

I want to tell you what I really detest about Trumpers. If you state contrary opinions and your disgust for Trump, they bristle, label you something akin to a “pussy” because you don't agree with them, and then denigrate you by calling you something personal and profane like “a bastard,” “an asshole,” a “libtard,” or “a fucking idiot.”

I'm not finished. Then, when you stand up for yourself and tell them how you will not allow anyone to make it personal and call you names, they immediately run the stereotypical political banter of berating you as a “snowflake” who supported President Obama at the expense – somehow? – of their glorious leader, Donald Trump.

If any more dialogue occurs, Trumpers question your allegiance to the Second Amendment, to the Bible, and to the Right to Life. They attempt to discard any modicum of reason or common sense and go straight into Trump Rally mode decrying meaningless cliches like “Lock her up” or “Build that wall.”

Oh, and I can't forget their favorite taunting bogey word. Trumpers love to call anyone who opposes them “Socialists.” While doing so, they scoff at climate control; they call for an end to immigration; and they rattle on about the evils of national health care. Yes, and finally, they begin foaming at the mouth and mixing socialism, communism, and leftest radicalism together to claim you are a gay-loving pervert who doesn't know what bathroom to use.

A Trumper's white nationalist agenda is always taken with claims of not being prejudiced against minorities, not being misogynistic, and not being religiously intolerant despite the thousands of despicable Donald Trump tweets and comments to the contrary.

You see, the Trumpers admire Trump for “speaking his mind” and making divisions because they fear their power in America is dwindling and they are losing control. Trumpers scapegoat blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims for their misfortunes. When Trump lashes out, they see him as “the chosen one,” a person who will bring back the antiquated, fractured, white-dominated America of the past. They fear a black and brown America.

Evangelical Trumpers worship Trump without question. They listen to his speeches as if they were sermons. They ignore his sins, lies and brutish ways because they accept him as the great defender of their faith. Trump tells them …

We have God on our side. Together, we’re not only defending our Constitutional rights, we’re also defending religion itself, which is under siege, Every Democrat candidate running for president is trying to punish religious believers and silence our churches and our pastors.”

As he paints the religious left with the broad and unfounded stroke of villainy, Trump admonishes them as Godless threats to religious liberty. No matter the denigration and the lies, evangelicals believe his every word. They especially love his anti-abortion and anti-LBGTQ rhetoric as well as his devotion to the belief that “every woman should serve her mate.”

By creating a narrative of an evil “deep state” and casting himself — a powerful white man of immense generational wealth – as a victim in his own right, Trump not only tapped into the religious right’s familiar feeling of persecution, but he also cast himself as its savior, a man of flesh who would fight the holy war on its behalf.”

-- Alex Morris, Rolling Stone

And, my, oh my, how Trump brags about his fabulous economy. His supporters believe this is the redeeming characteristic of his presidency. Trump tweeted in July of 2019
"our economy is the best it has ever been. Best employment and stock market numbers ever." That is simply not true. However, marginal Trumpers accept any inaccuracies and instead simply believe his lies as they buy into the false narrative – “but, he is so good for the economy” – even though they think he is, otherwise, inept in office.

Trump’s boasting is at odds with the reality of a surprisingly fragile U.S. economy. All of these Trump quotes are outright lies as verified by PolitiFact National:

"When I was campaigning, I was talking about 18 and 20 years (when) wages effectively went down. Now, for the first time in a long time, they're starting to go up for people."

Tariffs are "paid for mostly by China, by the way, not by us."
"We hadn’t had a (car) plant built in years – in decades, actually. And now we have many plants being built all throughout the United States."

"Yesterday we had the strongest dollar in the history of our country."

"Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal."

Under the North American Free Trade Agreement, "we lost millions of jobs."

"Watch those GDP numbers. We started off at a very low number, and right now we hit a 3.2 (percent). Nobody thought that was possible."

The final point of my diatribe is that Trumpers are simply appreciative of one trait above all others – and I know no other nicer definitive way of putting it – they love the way he fucks things up. Claiming to be conservatives draining a Washington swamp, they spread disinformation, conspiracy theories, and allegations of scandal

Trumpers' need for chaos obliterates everything else. Trump's faithful – marginalized status-seekers – employ “chaos incitement” as a strategy of last resort. They adopt disruptive tactics, and Trump, in turn, consistently seeks to strengthen the perception that America is in chaos, a perception that has enhanced his support while seeming to reinforce his claim that his predecessors, especially President Barack Obama, were failures.

Through scapegoating and jingoism, Trumpers vent their intense hostility to political establishments in an effort to make the democratic system burn down. Taking Trump's ineptitude to be some kind of misguided rectitude, they view his narcissistic self-interest as something that will somehow make America “great again.” Trump embodies the rage of white nationals as they embrace his chaotic and reckless behavior. Simply put, they love to fuck things up.

In closing, the defiant Trump rally is the training ground for what has been described as “a feedback loop of paranoia and hate.” During the rally, Trump’s blend of personal attacks and insults, his focus on enemies, and his preoccupation with seemingly peripheral issues such as the size of his crowds feed his massive ego and the celebrity lust of his stupefied legions. The spectacle is more akin to a scripted performance of pro wrestling than to a political campaign. As people cheer without reflection, they reinforce a sad dynamic of “America first” because … well, simply “because” that's what Donald told us to believe.

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